Hot Weather Policy

Chocolate is wonderful - but there is one reality we cannot get around, and that is chocolate hates heat. As such, we have a hot weather policy, and we appreciate you reading the following.

It may sound a little bit doom and gloom, but we put a lot of work in (yes, summer is a stressful time for any chocolate dealer) to make sure your chocolate arrives in tip-top condition so we want to be transparent.

And the good news is, we rarely have issues with heat affected chocolate. If in doubt, get in contact and we'll work out the best solution.

Can Someone Receive?

The best thing you can do for summer chocolate deliveries is to have it delivered somewhere where it can be received immediately i.e. an office, post office or where someone is at home. And bonus - this option doesn't cost a cent!

We do add stickers to advise the contents are heat sensitive and not to leave in the sun, but we can't guarantee a courier won't leave it on your sun baked steps or similar and clearly this may not end well. We cannot be responsibile for chocolate that has been left outside in summer. 

If in doubt, get in contact and we'll work out the best solution.

Above 30 Degrees

When the mercury soars above 30 degrees celcius, we may hold off sending your order until more chocolate friendly conditions have returned.

This will over-ride our normal shipping time frames, however we will notify you where this is required and of course when your chocolate is shipped.

Fridays in Summer

Any orders received after 12pm on Thursday during warm weather may not be shipped until Monday.

This avoids your chocolate potentially sweltering in a hot shipping warehouse over the weekend.

​Hot Weather Packaging

During summer months you will have the option to select Hot Weather Packaging at a small additional cost; that may include insulated packaging and ice-blocks.

We do keep this cost to a minimum, and to be honest we end up wearing some of the cost, so we appreciate your understanding in passing a small cost on.

Express Shipping

During summer you may want to consider selecting Express Shipping which is typically overnight delivery, all going well with Australia Post.

This limits the amount of time your chocolate spends in transit, but if it's too hot we may still withhold shipping until a little cooler. 


Refunds are not available for chocolate affected by weather conditions, unless we have been at fault. 

If in doubt, get in contact and we'll work out the best solution.